+91 9974987485
801, Bbc tower, Law Garden, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 +9199749 87485 sales@tendersongem.com

Free Tender Information

Home Free Tender Information

Why choose Tenders on GeM?

We are a technology-enabled company that facilitates startups and established businesses by helping entrepreneurs with professional services at the most affordable price in the market.

Tender Alerts on Email, Whatsapp and Web

Enhance your chances of participating in Tender faster by getting alerts twice a day on Emails & Whatsapp, Also get real-time updates on Web.

Tender Results & Competitor Analytics Reports

With extensive access to all tender result & competitors analytics reports, You can have knowledge about past data which will help you to prepare for upcoming tenders.

Bid Management System

Automate your entire Tender submission process through insightful MIS reports, Tender document briefcase, EMD management System, Assigning Tenders & getting response from concern departments.

Tender Bidding Assistance

Our Bidding experts will assist you to prepare tender response in easier & faster way for hassle free experience in tender participation.

10,000+ Companies make smarter decision with Tenders on GeM.


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Get In Touch

K P Tender Advisor Private Limited
801-802, 8th floor, BBC Tower, above V-Mart, Law Garden, Gujarat Ahmedabad-380009


+9199749 87485

Disclaimer: Kindly note that we are providing consultancy services to MSME's who are interested in Tender Information services/Tender Bidding & Filling services. We also cater the facility/consulting for Registration process on GeM Portal, Vendor Assessment, Brand Approval, Product & Catalogue upload respectively. However, we are no where directly or indirectly associated with GeM portal.

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